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fredag 1 oktober 2010


It's been a WHIRLWIND week on the Farm and here we are, October 1st-the day is TODAY! ALL OCTOBER RELEASES are available in the TGF Store for purchase, and don't forget to join us at 7pm CST on our PCP page for chit chat, prizes, some laughs I'm sure, and a SPEED CHALLENGE to be revealed this evening!

For now, it's Farm Fresh Friday and we have TWO challenges for you to begin our "FALL FESTIVAL of Challenges!" The first one is a COLOR CHALLENGE: (graphic coming, but it's basically Close to Cocoa/Dark Chocolate, Vanilla or Fine Linen (pti), and Old Olive)

The 2nd Challenge is a "HALLOWEEN THEMED" Challenge-create a card or project ALTERING a TGF Stamp and make it Halloween Themed!

In order to really PARTY it up for this release, there will be TWO PRIZES at stake this week-one in EACH category! Oh, and did we mention the prize is HUGE???

That's right! ONE lucky winner in EACH category will receive a new 4x6 set of their choice, PLUS the FIVE HALLOWEEN DIGIS! WOO HOO!!!! Can you say FABULOUS???

The DT has chosen different challenges to play in so be sure to visit for some UBER inspired samples to kick start your mojo for our FALL FESTIVAL of CHALLENGE here at the Farm!

We hope you've had a great week of previews, and now, well, it's ALMOST time to party! See you at 7pm CST on our PCP page and HAPPY SHOPPING, everyone!!!

OCTOBER 1st is HERE and things are just SPLENDID on the FARM!!! WOO HOO!

I choose to create a card in the color combo, I have used the handsome Ian from the new set; Special Autumn. colored the image with Copic and then I have been playing with backgroundstamps and distress.

Wish you all a great weekend!!!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Himmel så mycke snyggt du gjort sen jag var inne sist...WOW...Så detaljrikt och samtidigt så rent...
    Trevlig helg.
    Kram, BI

  2. such a handsome card! love it!

  3. Hej! Har liftat ett av dina julkort och tänkte berätta om det så du vet. Jag blir så inspirerad av dina kort! Kortet finns i min blogg om du vill se. Hälsningar Jenny

  4. Wow, great card! Love all details.
    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Oh this is just gorgeous! I love all the elements you used... that buckle is fabulous! Ian looks so handsome and your layout is fabulous!

  6. WOW absolutly stunning Anna! Love your sytle and colouring just beautiful work.
    Kristy xo


♥ Tack för att du tar dig tid att skriva några ord till mig! Det sätter jag stort värde på. ♥ Thank you for taking the time to write a few words to me! ♥